銘榮元實業與波蘭SKB集團簽署MOU 攜手拓展歐洲石化與能源相關EPC 市場

記者陳致愷/嘉義報導 2025-03-28 18:25


為強化國際競爭力與擴展全球業務版圖,台灣銘榮元實業股份有限公司(MRY)今日與波蘭知名工程公司 SKB 集團正式簽署合作備忘錄(MOU),雙方將就歐洲地區石化與能源產業之工程總承攬(EPC)專案展開全面合作。

MRY 成立於 1982 年,為台灣領先的 EPCF(工程、採購、施工、製造)公司,提供多元產業的整體解決方案,並擁有近 40 年的國際承壓設備製造實績。

SKB 集團則擁有近 35 年的歷史,專精於大型專案的設計、建造與重建,涵蓋工業設施、大型鋼構建造、能源再利用、化工項目等多元領域。


此次 MOU 簽署及波台工業貿易商會入會儀式在波蘭台北辦事處高則叡處長及屏東縣政府楊慶哲秘書長及諸多地方長官嘉賓見證下圓滿成功。

Ming Rong Yuan Business Co., Ltd. and Poland’s SKB Group Sign MOU to Jointly Expand Petrochemical and Energy EPC Business in Europe.

To strengthen international competitiveness and expand its global business footprint, Taiwan’s Ming Rong Yuan Business Co., Ltd. (MRY) today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Poland’s renowned SKB Group, to launch a comprehensive strategic partnership focused on petrochemical and energy Engineering, Procurement, and Construction (EPC) projects in Europe.

Founded in 1982, MRY is a leading EPCF (Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Fabrication) company in Taiwan, providing total solution EPC services across diverse industries, with nearly 40 years of experience in international pressure equipment manufacturing.

SKB Group boasts nearly 35 years of history, specializing in the design, construction, and reconstruction of large-scale projects, including industrial facilities, medical facilities, steel construction manufacturing, waste to energy project, chemical and petrochemical installations and more.

This partnership focuses on the European market, with both parties combining their strengths in engineering design, procurement, construction management, local resources, and market development to offer competitive solutions for medium to large-scale energy and petrochemical projects in Europe, seizing new opportunities presented by the global energy transition.

The signing of this MOU and the membership induction ceremony of the Polish-Taiwanese Chamber of Industry and Commerce were successfully concluded under the witness of Director Cyryl Kozaczewski of Polish office in Taipei, Secretary-General Yang Ching-Che of the Pingtung County Government, and many local officials and distinguished guests.


