美國職棒大聯盟指定場務單位 BrightView 總經理 Chad Olsen 7月13日來台進行新竹市立棒球場檢測場勘,日前檢測分析報告已送達市府,並於第一時間檢附翻譯送交地檢署。該報告由大聯盟場務專家 Murray Cook 及 Chad Olsen 共同署名,依據專業棒球場標準來評估本市棒球場狀況。檢測方式包含自然排水測試、淸碎石排水測試、底部排水測試、截斷面勘驗、專業實驗室檢測各層取樣材質、專家環場視察等,詳盡解釋土壤級配、排水條件、球場尺寸、噴灌系統等球場關鍵組成,並針對後續改善提出優化建議。市府刻正評估擬定合宜的解決方案,並將諮詢相關專家學者共同研商。
This layer will be slow to drain after a rain event and water ponding at the surface of field.
When the surface layer becomes compact and dry it becomes excessively hard. This condition creates an increased risk for player to field contact injuries.
This layer prevents rainwater from draining through quickly and holds water up at the surface making the field slow to drain and unplayable during wet periods.
The stone contains fine stone dust particles that lock up and compact, preventing water from entering the drainage system which is located below this layer.
This material is not typically used in athletic field construction as an approved growing media or drainage material.
The composition of this material does not meet general standards for professional, high school or parks and recreational infield mix design. The ratio of sand, silt and clay does not comply with industry standards for baseball infield mix.
Reconstruction of this layer with a rootzone material capable of resisting compaction and allowing for enhanced drainage performance is recommended.
Removal of this layer is necessary to provide field drainage.
經科學儀器及專家檢驗後,報告描述之球場狀況與 2022 年 7 月 20 日由職棒球員工會所提出球場使用回饋心得相符。依據該份回饋心得指出,內野紅土區稍嫌鬆軟、不夠紮實、顆粒過大、含沙量及碎石粒過多,容易積累體能負擔及下半身運動傷害 ; 外野草皮相較於其他球場感覺過硬、撲接時容易造成運動傷害。本次檢驗報告,同時也釐清3月份新竹棒球場工程體檢會議會勘時,球場曾出現多日未降雨而水坑積水處卻遲遲無法排水滿溢現象。
市府表示,後續將儘速召開新竹市立棒球場工程體檢會議,針對 BrightView 提出的改善評估建議,研擬棒球場的具體改善方案及期程,還給市民一座能夠安全舉辦比賽的棒球場。